
if i've done something wrong, tell me.
cus' right now, i don't know what i did wrong.
he treats us fairly.
and you're blowing it up.
you were the one who stopped talking to him.
don't blame others for your actions.
& we care.
you know it damn well too.
don't deny it.
i'm your best friend.
or if that's how you still think of me as.
you wanna talk about best friends who backstab?
you wanna talk about best friends who steal your life?
do you really??
i always cared, and i always will.
if you don't see me as a best friend anymore, tell me.
cause i'm sick of being treated like this by you.
you can tell the whole damn world what a backstabbing bitch of a best friend i am.
but get your facts right first.
you think i'm such a bitch.
have you considered how i feel?
you ain't the only one having problems too.
if you wanna talk about all these.
i sure as hell am here to always talk about it.
yeh, everyone's right.
im the devil, and you're the angel.
it's okay for best friends to steal lovers.
no wait, to do MORE than steal them.
it's okay for friends to steal friends.
cause you never considered what your actions might have an impact on me right?
of course not.
but it's not okay for best friends to talk to crushes ehy?
after you read this, reply me.
cause i'm not going to apologise for your wrong doing.
blame the whole world for all i care.
blame me if you want to.
i told you, be straightforward.
if i'm still your best friend, you wouldn't hide your feelings.
i try to be there for you.
but you just don't open up to me.
why don't you just make hidayat your new best friend ?
won't you feel so much better?
than you can go steal his friends.
right ?
listen, the three of us care.
you're just shutting us out and being stubborn.
he treats us all fairly.
have you thought of even NOT avoiding him in the first place?
or at least making a sign for him since you're so damn free all the time?
what do you think he might do with that sign?
again, get your facts right.
don't make bloody assumptions.
right now, i'm pissed you're blaming me.
and if you think you've experienced pain, compared to what you put me through?
you felt nothing.
not even close.
i still think of what you did from time to time.
you ask me, why do i get jealous so easily.
now i'm asking you the same.
why are you so jealous right now?
we're both his best friends.
you just don't wanna accept that fact right ?
i dont care how much you scream at me.
i'll still listen.
but don't say shit bout me that ain't true.
you really don't wanna trust me anymore either ehy?
well you know what,
right now, everything is up to you.
even if you hate me and don't trust me.
from your blog, i can tell you don't want me.
"best friends ehy? i wish i could fucking believe"
as if your words and attitude doesn't sting enough.
i haven't had enough of my say.
but it's useless right now.
but of course, i'm sure you won't bother trying to swallow all these i said.

i still love you fannie.

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