
so farhan and i are ok now.
yes that's very good news for me thankyouverymuch.
and i've been studying with dan for two consecutive days.
i reeeallly like studying with him.
cos' he's so nice and we can smoke together.
and farhan and dan and i are going out to celebrate my belated birthday and i CANNOT wait :D
i swear NOTHING can ruin it, and nothing will.

no mood to study anymore.
i suck bad.
sigh ):


F, you said you returned the damn book.
wth dude, stop your crap and just return.
you're not paying the fine, i am.
and it ain't about the money.
it's about your bloody irresponsibility.
i know you won't give me my ten bucks back.
so just return the damn book!
why the hell is it so hard to do?
seriously dude, it's like a bloody brainless thing to do.
if you don't wanna return the book,
than meet me and i can return it myself.
you're being bloody unfair ffs.


ive been blog hopping.
i just realised girls actually boast about how many guys they hang out with.
or how fast they change boyfriends.
and they misuse the three words ILOVEYOU
you give girls a bad reputation.

why wont singapore just sink now.

i want Os to end NOW.

i wanna go out now.

i miss your voice, why wont you pick up ):

fcuk love.
i still dont believe in it.


i really love this girl <3

things i really want (to do) :
1. shisha naaooooo.
2. form an acoustic two piece band.
3. a boyfriend (yes despo)
4. shopping.
5. new wardrobe.
6. burn up alllll books and papers relating to studies.
7. organize a chalet.
8. shopping dates.
9. lose 15kg.
10. get max 13 points for O levels.
11. go out on a date with Y.
12. hang out with tiara, dhabitha, linli, sibel, fadilah, julie and moreee.
13. stop my emotional drama bullshit.
14. get into NP's FMS. or TP.

i dont wanna think anymore.
i've english paper in a few hours.
i've to do another seven drawings of elements for arts by today.
i do not have time.
cos now i'm studying for english.
and after that i have maths tuition at night.
i need my maxim and Y now. ):


i really like you Y. (L)

IM FAT. look.
stop telling me im not, cos i know i am.
and if you still think im not fat, ty (:

P:S// i really miss your voice baby :C



happy deepavali (:
i think it's probably the only time alll my relatives come together.

'O' levels is in five days.
not including practical, nine.

when i looked at a physics paper,
i swear i couldn't answer a single question.
i'm gonna repeat O levels, i just know it.


i shall not post anymore till four weeks later. and i was born a hxc loner.


saturday, thanks A.
thanks a lot.
i feel like the dumbest asshole.
thank you.
you're a typical mfer.
fck you and your words.

sunday, thanks mom.
you made me do errands on my birthday.
but you cheered me up in the end.
ily <3

whats the price of being obese and ugly?
HAPPINESS, that's what.

i hate 11 october, i hate my birthday.
today felt nothing close to my birthday.


can't wait for tomorrow (:
i hope nothing screws up.


this is bull shit

i can't have a life without my mother stalking me.
she called me a slut, cause i sweared a lot.
thanks mom.
please leave me alone.

i think i'm going to delete facebook soon.
this is called being under pressure.

when people have their O levels.
their mothers are at their nicest.
they give them the freedom they need.
they do not pressurize them.
they do not scold them.
they do not blame them and bring them down.
they do not say mean stuff.
they do not they do not they do not.
but my mom thinks it's okay to pressurize me.
cos' im having my most crucial year, she must come and do this to me.
it's not making me work harder mother,
it's making me feel more shitty and horrible and miserable.
why can't you just be a nice mother and let me be.
you think the way you treat me is ok?
if i wanna mess around, let me be.
i am NOT a slut.
so don't call me that.
i always wish you'd try a little harder to understand.
why can't you?
your mother never did this to you.
why must you do it to me?
in what way do you think this will help?
please STOP IT!
if you don't want to see your daughter turn into a hardcore delinquent.
back off.
back off now.
leave me alone.
i'm not stupid.
i know how important O levels is.
stop saying i don't show that this is important to me.
i don't have to show you anything.
you pick the slightest fight with me.
just cause you wanna vent your anger out?
please stop it mother.
just leave me alone.
