
J, i read your blog all the time, and i don't know if you still read mine. But i'm just really curious, did i do something to offend you? the day we were supposed to go out, you told me you couldn't cos' you had work, on a sat. the next day or so, i read your blog and you went out with gang instead. well actually on fri i was talking to S and he said you asked him out for karaoke when you told me you had work. We were supposed to meet up from 2.30-4.30 ish at town yst. though it's short, i still wanted to meet you cos' i missed you. but you text me that same night, saying you can't make it, don't ask why. i just read your blog and you seemed to have had so much fun with zee. i'm not being some bitch here and blaming you for choosing close ones over me. but why can't you just tell me you don't wanna hang out. you wanna hang with the gang. i wouldn't get all pissed. i'll understand. but you cancelling on me giving me reasons that seems untrue. like wth? if you read this, please text me or something. or else, just forget it.

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