
when i was young, i used to think that when it rains,
God is crying.
so i cried with him.
cus i cry when ppl cry.
so i practically cried everyday when it rained like 24/7.
aft awhile,
i wld think,
God must be showering.
like you&me showering everyday.
cus' he cant possibly be crying so much.
so i take a shower when its raining.
ok all these is just fyi.
i was bored.
&i rmbed bout the chongfu students when i was taking the bus.
&this raining thingy linked to tt.
when you see them.
you just see how happy they are.
they dont care how the dress,
they dont care how they look.
they dont care how heavy their bags are.
they dont care about anything,
but having fun on the bus:D
i rmb how i used to be like them.
its just so fun&joyful when you have
nothing to worry about.
that moment is just so magical.
another subject.
GOHLILY confiscated my mp3.
i cannot STAND her!
i told my mom.
she was ok with it.
havent told dad.
parents are fighting again.
dad has UBER short temper.
i seriously cannot stand him.
every night im praying to God,
to bring me back my phone.
i know, if i dont get back my phone,
he'll get me a better one:D
when GLL confis. my mp3.
i kept thinking the aftmath of all tt.
if i killed myself from all the stress,
so she would feel so remorseful, so regretfull,
she'd kill herself too:D
or if my parents divorced*touch wood!*,
i'd blame it ALL on her.
&i'd sue her for it.
&i' d make sure she goes jobless.
but right now,
im not full of hatred nor grudge.
i cry every night thinking about my mom.

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